Monday, October 17, 2005


Mr. Richard Parsons,

This is as good as it gets for anyone, let alone a Black Man.
Chairman-CEO of Time Warner and Time Warner is the parent company of AOL.
America Online - the hottest Intellectual Property of today, and Mr. Parsons is large and in charge.

Now all of you kids in the hood, young or old. Believe me, this can be done, jsut get educated and believe, hell I know Mr. Parsons has other things going on in life, and you can too.

Life is all what you make it, Technology is for everyone and everyone and anyone can make it in a GREAT WAY. Technology is in the air, and The Hood has air correct, all I am saying is , to all of my brothers - go for it.

Tony Renee Smith
Publisher - The Hood and Technology

AOL is all of that, and Mr. Parsons runs AOL.

1 comment:

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So says Technorati's Dave Sifry in his most recent "State of the Blogosphere." Highlights: As of October 2005, Technorati is now tracking 19.6 million weblogs The total number of weblogs tracked continues to ...
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